Backup Outlook Express email with free Amic email backup ~ Musing on technology, computer and internet

Backup Outlook Express email with free Amic email backup

October 12, 2008

For most PC users, home computer user or small business computer user, backup for email is important, since not all email client provide this feature. Amic email backup is a free software that is designed to backup copy of emails database. It can save emails, address book, mail settings, mail and news accounts, message rules, blocked senders lists and signatures to a single, compact, compressed backup file that can be easily restored whenever necessary.

Outlook Express Email Backup with Amic Email Backup

With Amic email backup, backing up Outlook Express email is easy. Amic backup email can works in two working mode, a wizard mode and a standard mode and it can be set for auto backup the email using schedule option whether we want to backup daily, weekly or at any period of time intended.

Beside working with Outlook Express, Amic email backup is also works with other popular email clients such as Microsoft Outlook, Eudora, Netscape Messenger, IncrediMail and PocoMai etc.

The installation is simple, just download and open the file AmicEmailBackupSetup.exe and follow the installation wizards.

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