How to handle 49.4C02 errors on HP Laserjet P3005 series ~ Musing on technology, computer and internet

How to handle 49.4C02 errors on HP Laserjet P3005 series

September 18, 2010

Have you ever facing the problem when your HP P3005n Laserjet Printer is returning 49.4C02 Errors on its control panel screen ?. Recently I got it and found the solution is very easy. My colleague was sent the printer to the vendor for fix but apparently he was asked to pay $250 to replace the printer main board. I said no and would be glad if he can pay me only a half of those price if I can fix his printer *grin* . The error occurs when users are trying to print from Adobe Acrobat Reader 9.x , however it is not always occurs on every documents that are opened with Adobe Acrobat Reader 9.x, hence only happened on few documents, depend on the content. So how is the solution ?.

HP LaserJet P3005n

The cause of the error is the firmware. You need to update your HP Laserjet's firmware to the latest one. HP confirmed their old firmware is having problem with Adobe Acrobat Reader 8.x, and probably any later version. To update your printer's firmware you need the firmware itself and firmware update utility from here . Extract the firmware update utility and the firmware. Copy the firmware, usually it has .rfu extension to the firmware update utility. Execute the firmware update utility and select the printer that need to be updated. Wait a few minutes for the uploading the firmware to the printer is processed. When the process is done, the printer control panel will be back to status READY. This indicating the firmware process is done. Now your printer is ready to print.

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